Gold and Precious Metals
The ZagTrader platform is the ideal waypoint for all financial institutions that deal with the most trusted form of currency (Gold, Silver and other precious metals) hedging against volatility in the currency market.
Run your gold and precious metals trading business on world class global platform certified and connected with thousands of banks and brokers around the world. The system is commodities friendly and is able to connect with any global routing network, serving as a matchmaker between any broker, bank or a financial institution worldwide.
ZagTrader covers the front office and back office and is very flexible. Meaning, you can use our online trading screens and our execution management solutions in all its channels (mobile, desktop and web) or use the back office and get equipped with a rich compliance, accounting, risk management and an asset management system.
- Real time pricing
- Ready Connectivity to (Bloomberg TSOX, Bloomberg EMSX, Bloomberg DMA, Thompson Reuters ATR, Ullink NYFIX)
- Long/Short CFDs
- Performance measurement
- Research Portal
- Advanced Technical Analysis
- Multi Lingual
- Open Architecture allowing traders to implement their own unique strategies
- Seamless integration with any 3rd party solutions if needed.
- State of art mobile apps