Exchanges solutions - ZagTrader

ZagTrader ZagTrader is a specialized Financial Technology company and service provider that provides its clients in the brokerage, investment banking, capital markets, and asset management with sophisticated solutions to run their business effectively.
Block 12, F06, Dubai Knowledge Park Dubai, UAE
Phone: +971 4 433 4385
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ZagTrader has developed a solution for Exchanges that wish to provide a basic or rich interface to Members in a SaaS or per Member/User license structure that includes an OMS, Trading Interface, Clearing, Settlement and Custody management. This solution is especially useful for Exchanges trying to drive adoption, new products and new Members as it provides a boost over the technology barrier for a Member firm to execute or join the Exchange.

Exchange Solutions

The ZagTrader Agency Brokerage solution captures the entire workflow, delivering functionality and connectivity designed to increase revenue, optimize efficiency, improve the Client experience and manage risk.

Exchange Solutions
Exchange Solutions

Key Features

  • Order Entry and Management
  • Support for all Exchange order types
  • Direct FIX connectivity to Exchange
  • Optional pre-Trade Risk Management
  • Completely Stand-alone
  • Minimal Cost of Ownership
  • Ultra-light weight multi-threaded architecture
  • Backoffice system (Clearing, Settlement, Custody)
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