Clearing Members & Prime Brokers
An integrated solution with modules covering the key functional, business and regulatory requirements of establishing and managing a brokerage firm as a Clearing Member on an exchange; or alternately as a Prime Broker. Complete EMS, OMS, Middle Office, Trading Interfaces, Client On-boarding and KYC, Clearing & Settlement and Custody management with a certified FIX bridge to the Exchange and available to external clients for DMA/FIX connectivity.
The ZagTrader Clearing Member solution captures the entire workflow, delivering functionality and connectivity designed to increase revenue, optimize efficiency, improve the Client experience and manage risk.

Supported Instruments
- Equities Long / Short
- Futures Contracts Long / Short
- Leveraged Forex Long / Short
- CFDs Long / Short
- Derivatives Long / Short
- ETFs Long / Short
- Bonds and Sukuks
- Options (Calls, Puts, Naked Calls/Puts)
- Funds
Improve Workflow
- Order flow capture and execution management with trading and sales workflows
- Algorithmic trading, event or rules based trading conditions
- Multi-Custodian and Multi-Destination capabilities with Sub-Custody, Omnibus and other complex account structures supported
- Client and Trading interfaces that enable a completely digital experience from account opening to trading across Desktop, Web and native Tablet/Mobile applications
- Automated pre-trade Risk, reporting and liquidity alerts
Manage Risk & Compliance
- Real-time trade capture and reporting
- Real-time alerts on trade rejections, settlement limits, Client limits and thresholds
- Audit trail and regulatory compliant reporting at a User and Trade level
- Settlement & Clearing fails management, matching alerts and regulatory capital management
Direct & FIX Market Access
- Direct FIX connectivity to destinations and Clearing Members
- In and out-bound connectivity to global routing networks (Bloomberg, Reuters, NYFIX)
- Provide institutional DMA with high/low touch trading workflows and automated routing rules
- Provide Clients with a rich interface for trading with high throughput and low latency
- Pre-trade and Post-trade allocation capabilities, full support to manage a single order across multiple accounts in markets that force Pre-trade allocation
- Dealer interface developed to improve efficiency while providing capabilities for customizing all aspects of the layout, view, data and individual Dealer workflow
- Order authorization management for escalating order approvals internally across a Firm
- Internal ‘Chat’ tool allowing Dealers across multiple offices to remain in contact easily when managing order flow
Research & Data
- News feed from external data vendors or ZT Data & Price Feeds
- Data Feed handler to process and distribute the feeds
- Charting, Analytics and Back-testing built into the solution
- Ability to provide Fundamental and company data within the solution
Flexibility and Scalability
- Open architecture: allows the traders to implement their own unique strategies
- Providing white label solutions to other financial institutions
- Seamless integration with any external or legacy systems if needed
- The ability to run more than 100,000 symbols simultaneously
- Modules covering Clearing, Settlement and Custodian management
- Ability to handle trading Settlement on a DVP/RVP basis with multiple external Custodians and Sub-Custodians
- Automated workflow for preparing and processing Settlement instructions, transfers and confirmations
- Corporate Action management and reporting
- Client Reporting in customized CSV, Text, PDF reports or via direct Client Access updated in real-time
- Distributed Backoffice support with defined User rights and ability to manage workflow across multiple physical locations in real-time
For a complete list of ZagTrader's Global Features
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